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Renaissance Hospital Houston
Bariatrics | Cardiology | Emergency | ICU | Imaging | Lab | Orthopedics | Pain Management | Physical Therapy | Surgery

Pain Management

Chronic pain is a constant pain that can last from a few months to many years.  It can be caused by injury, disease or weak bones and muscles.  Untreated, it can cause severe pain, sleep deprivation, family issues and inability to work, all of which can eventually lead to depression and even thoughts of suicide.

Historically misunderstood and difficult to diagnose, patients with chronic pain were often dismissed with the notion that “it’s all in your head.”  Today, with sophisticated diagnostic testing, it is often possible to pinpoint the source of the pain and provide rational treatment.

At Renaissance Hospital Houston, we help patients at any point along the pain spectrum, from mild to disabling pain. We recognize that pain is subjective, defined by the person experiencing it, and the impact that the patient’s mind has in processing and interpreting pain signals. We diagnose the source of pain in 60-70% of our patients and are able to implement treatment tailored to the individual patient’s needs. We provide total support – making all the pieces fit.

Our treatment approach is to keep patients functional, pain-free and alert and to avoid narcotics as much as possible.  The most common procedure is
X-ray guided injections, performed under sedation as necessary to alleviate pain and anxiety.  Click here to find a physician.

If you will be seeing us for pain management and have already had some medical testing or treatment, it will be helpful to bring the following to your initial appointment: